Brain Injury Accidents

Brain Injury Accidents

X-ray of brain injury from an accident

One of the foremost serious of all personal injuries is an injury to the brain. Often mentioned because of the “invisible injury,” brain injuries are often overlooked by medical professionals, paramedics, and even victims. Generally, a brain injury doesn’t cause visible symptoms until weeks, months, or years after an injury or accident has occurred.

A blow to the head can cause far more than a superficial bump or cut. The brain is especially vulnerable when the skull has suffered severe trauma. The force of that blow can damage the cerebral cortex or the deep white matter inside your skull whether your head strikes an object or an object strikes your head. Such a strike to the head can not only bruise the cerebral cortex but also cause whiplash, resulting in a diffuse axonal injury to the deep white tissue.

A traumatic brain injury isn’t always visible to the eye. Direct trauma to the head may leave a gash that will penetrate or fracture the skull and possibly the brain. That very same trauma can cause the brain to hit the skull without breaking the bone itself. Another type of trauma, indirect trauma, involves severe shaking or whiplash, which will shake or rotate the brain, damaging the fragile nerve cells inside your head. Some secondary sorts of brain injury stemming from non-neurological structure injuries also can be devastating to victims and their families.

An edema refers to the swelling of the brain, which will cause pressure build-up and prevent blood and oxygen from entering the brain. Hematoma is the collection of blood thanks to tissue injury or tearing of a vessel. Bleeding within the brain after trauma can occur after being released from the emergency room. Hydrocephalus and hygroma are characterized by an accumulation of fluid in and around the brain.

When you are involved in an accident, it’s going to be very hard for even medical professionals to work out whether or not a traumatic brain injury has occurred. Common signs of an injury to the brain include: Loss of consciousness, where you lose consciousness to any degree from being dazed for a couple of seconds to slipping into a coma; Post-traumatic amnesia, where you experience amnesia of events before and following the incident; Concussion where your awareness is altered, and you’ll feel dizzy, nauseous, disoriented, forgetful, irritable, or depressed; Encephalopathy where your brain isn’t functioning normally (which might not be a permanent state), and you’ll be confused, inattentive, or even be in a stupor; Focal neurological signs where you experience recognizable signs that tell your doctor your brain isn’t functioning 100 percent; Seizure where our nerve cells function improperly causing you to lose consciousness, fall and convulse; and Unequal or un-reactive pupils where your pupils don’t respond typically to light.

You need an attorney well versed in brain injury who will get you the right medical personnel to necessary to properly diagnose your condition and provide you with the care you need, and you need that skilled brain injury attorney quickly before your condition becomes permanent, worsens, or in some cases becomes life-threatening.


Arthur Liberty has the experience and knowledge needed when encountering any situation. With over three decades of experience, Arthur Liberty has the resources and is the dedicated Santa Monica traumatic brain injury lawyer you need to follow through with your claim.

Arthur Liberty will thoroughly investigate the facts of the accident and determine the legal strategy to take in your particular situation. Throughout your initial consultation, he will fully discuss your case, including potential sources of information not readily apparent, including potential witnesses, video and audio recordings which must be quickly acquired before recorded over, and law enforcement investigative reports whose initial conclusions can be altered if promptly dealt with early on. Arthur Liberty will reply to all of your questions. He is committed to providing you with the personal attention you need throughout the course of your claim and will pursue every viable means of compensation on your behalf. Whether you have medical costs, lost wages, emotional pain and suffering, Arthur Liberty’s efforts will be towards maximizing your potential settlement.

It is never easy to get through a difficult situation where you suffer a traumatic brain injury. Arthur Liberty’s goal is to provide caring and compassionate representation.  He will strive to resolve your claim fairly, effortlessly, and as quickly as possible.  Even if your case requires that a lawsuit be pursued, rest assured that as an experienced and successful attorney, Arthur Liberty will still have the same goal.

Contact Arthur Liberty to discuss your traumatic brain injury claim.

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